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Laser technologies

Department of Photonics


Course “Laser technologies” contains information about physical fundamentals and design of modern laser systems as well as about their applications. The course is divided in 3 parts. The first part deals with physical fundamentals of laser operation and discusses main kinds of modern lasers. The second part deals with applications of lasers in industry. Special attention is paid to advanced applications of laser systems including laser micro-processing of materials and use of lasers in microelectronics. The third part is focused onto a new, but quickly growing field of applications of laser techniques concerned with Cultural Heritage preservation. The use of lasers for restoration, analysis and documentation of artworks is considered and discussed.


  • SPC-4 (СПК-4). Readiness to develop methodological and regulatory documents, technical documentation for instrumentation facilities, to carry out systematic activities for the implementation of developed projects and programs in the field of laser measuring technologies.
  • SPC-6 (СПК-6). Readiness to choose optimal methods and develop programs of experimental research and testing, carry out measurements with a choice of modern technical means and processing of results in the field of laser measuring technologies.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Develop methodological and regulatory documents, technical documentation for instrumentation facilities.
  • Carry out systematic activities for the implementation of the developed projects and programs.
  • Select the best methods and develop experimental research and testing programs.
  • Take measurements with a choice of modern technical means and processing of the results.

Course results are evaluated by a rating system.


  • Chapter 1. Principles of lasers
    • Module 1.1. General information about lasers
    • Module 1.2. Main types of lasers for industrial applications
  • Chapter 2. Application of lasers in industrial production
    • Module 2.1. Key laser industrial operations
    • Module 2.2. Laser micro-processing technologies
  • Chapter 3. Application of lasers in Cultural Heritage preservation
    • Module 3.1. Laser cleaning of artworks
    • Module 3.2. Analysis of materials and internal artworks structure
    • Module 3.3. Documentation and replication of artworks using 3D laser scanning


The course is designed for masters of the first and second year of study in the specialties «Instrumentation» and «Electronics and Nanoelectronics».

Recommended Requirements

Had mastered the basic courses of physics, mathematics and information technology.

Professions, specialties

  • 12.04.01 – Instrumentation
  • 11.04.04 – Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Course Staff

Rafael Jiménez Castañeda

Vadim Parfenov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Photonics and Department of Laser Measuring & Navigation Systems

  1. Номер курса

  2. Начало курса

  3. Занятия заканчиваются

  4. Оценка сложности

    4 hour per week
  5. Зачетные единицы

  6. Число недель

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